
The National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan has a special structure in accordance with the Statute and the Charter to fulfil the goals and objectives set before it.


Rafael Hacıbəyli Sədr


Nail Şükürov Sədr Müavini
Güldanə Dadaşova Sədr Müavini



The Secretariat is the current executive body of NAYORA. It is composed of employees under the supervision of the Secretary-General. The Secretariat ensures the implementation of the decisions and instructions of the Assembly, the Bureau, and the Secretary General, coordinates the work of the working structures, directs the current activities of NAYORA in various fields.

Cəsur Mədətzadə Layihələr üzrə koordinator
Elnarə Əliyeva Üzv təşkilatlarla iş üzrə katib
Vəfa Əhmədova Öyrənmə və İnkişaf üzrə Menecer
Fidan İbrahim Dizayner
Azər Quliyev Media komandasının rəhbəri

The Assembly

The Assembly is the decision-making body of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the inter-congress period and is called at least once in 6 months. The Assembly adopts decisions regulating the activities of the National Council, the program of activities, adopts or expels members. The Assembly provides an opportunity for member organizations to discuss and exchange views on various topics.

The Congress

The Congress is the highest decision-making body of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations and is called at least once every two years. The Congress adopts the Charter, regulations governing the activities of the organization, makes additions and changes to it, approves the decisions of the Assembly on the admission and expulsion of members, elects the chairman and deputies, bureau members, members of the CCIC, determines the main activities of NAYORA

Central Control-Inspection Commission (CCIC)

Central Control-Inspection Commission (CCIC) is elected on the Congress and consists of 5 members. The work of the CCIC is organized by the Chairman who elected at its first meeting. Its main task is to monitor compliance with the Charter.

Cəsur Mədətzadə
Ənvər İsmayılov
Murad Yusifli
Aynurə Salmanlı


The Bureau is the current executive-decision-making body of NAYORA, responsible for the implementation of programs and decisions adopted by the Assembly. The Bureau consists of the Chairperson of the NAYORA, the Secretary General, as well as the Board and the Chairman of the CCIC with observer status